On Wednesday evening, March 10, I started having regular contractions (again) about every 1-3 minutes apart from 9-11pm. They felt a bit different than usual, but I wasn’t sure whether to call the midwives. I went up to take a shower to see if they’d slow down or stop. Got out of the shower at 11ish, and while the contractions had slowed down some, they hadn’t stopped. After I sat on the couch again for a bit, they picked up. I decided to call at 11:30 to see what he midwife suggested. Paula was on call, and said that I should probably come in to get checked. She said that if I waited too long and was too close to delivery by the time I got there, I wouldn’t have time to have an epidural, and I really wanted to be sure I could.
So we called my parents, and told them that we needed to go to the hospital, and that we might have the baby tonight or tomorrow, or we might be coming home. Pappa came over to stay with Sebastian (who had been asleep since 7:30 or so), and off we went. We hit every red light on Route 7 on the way to the hospital, but the contractions seemed to have slowed down again, so it wasn’t a big deal. We got to the Birthing Inn around 12:45am on March 11; got set up in triage, hooked up to monitors, etc. Oliver’s heartbeat was strong and steady, as usual, but the contractions seemed to have petered out during the drive over. Blah! My midwife Paula came in and checked me, and I was 4-5cm dilated. She said we could go home if we wanted, or we could stay and see what we could do to get labor started again and have a baby!
At 5am, I was still contracting regularly, so they stopped the pitocin and broke my water. That was very painful, despite the epidural. They said it might just need a bit more time to get set, but that they could turn it up if I was still in pain in a while. From 5-6am I tried to sleep some, but couldn’t sleep because the contractions were still pretty painful, and I was feeling a good amount of low pressure. At 6:10, the anesthesiologist came in to administer more meds to get the pain more under control, said they’d kick in about 10 minutes later.
Paula came in at 8:20am and checked me…he was “right there.” The nurse asked if I wanted to use the mirror, and I figured that I did last time with Sebastian, and it was pretty cool, so I said sure. They told me to give a practice push when I felt the next contraction (this was around 8:40am). I barely did anything…just kind of gave it a try (I was honestly a bit nervous it would hurt because I felt so much more than last time…it didn’t, though, just felt lots of pressure), and they told me to stop.
So the next contraction started, and I pushed to a count of 10. They told me to stop and I did, but his head just came out on its own, and the rest of him right afterward, SO quickly! His little hand was under his chin (his big brother was born head-and-hand first, too!), cord tucked into the crook of his arm (just like his brother!), with the cord was wrapped around his body. It was huge and thick, just like Sebastian’s was…we all compared it to a garden hose! Oliver Wesley Harman officially entered the world at 8:56am on March 11, 2010. That’s just under six hours from when they started the pitocin to get my contractions going again!
After he was all done and bundled up, I got him back and everyone cleared out of the room. We started our first breastfeeding session at around 9:20, and he latched on right away and did great. He’s an amazing little guy…really mellow so far, and so cute! He looks like a little doll! We’re in love, of course, all over again!
They didn’t have a room available yet in the Postpartum wing, so we just stayed in the Labor & Delivery room until the afternoon. Mummo and Pappa and Sebastian came to visit at around noon. Oliver was in the nursery getting cleaned up when they arrived, so I got to say hi to Sebastian without the new little guy there at first. He was a bit wary (he’s always a bit nervous, it seems, in medical settings, and I don’t think he liked that I was in the hospital bed, even though I had changed out of the gown and into a regular shirt to make it easier for him). But he warmed up eventually and explored the room and played with my iPhone while we waited for Oliver to come back.
I managed to sleep a little bit in between feedings while Oliver went to the nursery (he was asleep anyway, so I figured I may as well sleep too), and before long it was morning and Ken was back. We told them that we’d like to take advantage of the option to leave the hospital after 24 hours, and not stay longer, since it would be easier for me to get help at home than being at the hospital alone. Also, hospital beds are NOT comfortable, and I was looking forward to busting out of the joint.
After a very silly trip to the pediatrician (long story, but basically they wanted us to have Oliver seen for the first three days after his birth, and since our pediatrician isn’t open on Saturdays, they consented having him seen twice on Friday (once at the hospital, and once in the afternoon at our pediatrician), we were on our way home!
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