He's been more clingy and irritable the past few days, but I figured it was teeth or the moon or something. Then yesterday he started vomiting. He threw up a LOT at my parents' house twice on Monday, and felt feverish and just not himself.
Then this morning all hell broke loose. He woke up at 5am to eat, and Ken brought him to bed with us so I could feed him. Ken laid him down next to me, but the minute he saw the boob he started SCREAMING. This is majorly odd because he's usually opening his mouth like a little baby bird on the way down! Ken walked him around to calm him down, tried again, screaming again. More walking. Third time's the charm, I guess...he finally ate, but only from one side (he usually does both), and then fell asleep. I figured maybe he was still a little under the weather and figured he could eat more if he woke up in a bit. Then, around 5:30, he proceeds to throw up ALL over our bed. And himself. And both of us. EWW!
Oh, did I mention he'd had blueberries for dinner so it was REALLY nasty? So there we are, with blueberry baby vomit all over us, our sheets, the baby, his clothes, etc. Fun. Ken went and changed the baby while I changed myself and started getting the sheets off the bed. Luckily by the time the bed was made again, Sebastian seemed to feel better so all three of us went to sleep again, on and off, until about 8.
Then the poo-splosions started. Got up and went about our business, and Sebastian proceeded to have perhaps his most massive poo ever. (Beware: the following description is not for the faint of heart. If you are squeamish, skip to the next paragraph!) Not only did poo shoot out the back of his diaper and almost up to his neck, but it also shot up his front, out his diaper, and over his belly button. YUCK! Ken was the lucky one to clean THAT puppy up. Of course by the time you clean that much crap off a flailing, squirmy baby, it is everywhere. Sebastian loves to grab his junk while being changed, so of course he did that, and then proceeded to wipe poo everywhere...his arms, his armpit, his chest, I think even his HAIR got some. EWW! Oh, and remember the blueberries-for-dinner-last-night? Yeah, they make for beautifully-colored poo, too. I think he peed on the changing table during the epic change, too. Way to go, kid.
(It is now safe to continue, oh-squeamish reader.) Anyway, so after that was cleaned up, we figure he'd HAVE to be feeling better. I mean I don't even know how that much crap FIT in such a little boy! But he's still listless and clingy, and feels warm. We figure he has to actually be sick. Poor guy! We gave him some tylenol to help with the fever, and tried to feed him some solids (oatmeal with melon...he usually LOVES it). He wouldn't touch it. Like kept his mouth totally shut. The only thing he'd even go near was Cheerios. So we let him eat as many as he wanted...he seems to be nursing fine, still, so I'm not worried about him getting dehydrated, at least.
Anyway, so Ken left for work and I gave the kiddo a sorely-needed bath. Throughout the day he proceeded to throw up twice more (but nothing as spectacular as the first one), have two more CRAZY poops, and generally was miserable. Poor kiddo. He even went to sleep early...fell asleep while getting his last feeding in, and we didn't even get to read a story or do anything else we usually do. Sad little guy.
Hopefully he'll sleep well tonight (so far so good), and feel better tomorrow. I'm at work ALL day (have a late meeting, even), so my parents have him. I hope he is over this soon...it's so hard to see your kid unwell. He's a trooper, though...even though he was feeling awful, he still managed to smile whenever he could, talk up a storm while eating his cheerios, and even laugh at himself as he tried to stand up by himself and kept falling down (this is, apparently, a new fun game).
What a sweet kid we have.
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